June 2023 product and event update
Jun 28, 2023
Product updates
Updates to Developer docs
We have a few quick updates to resources in our developer documentation:
Here’s a refreshed implementation guide to prep for integrations after onboarding to Redox.
Test an endpoint in the Redox dashboard with our developer test tools.
Download all of our dev tools to build out your application and complete application testing.

Event recap

[Panel discussion] How to incorporate patient-oriented design in your healthcare products
This discussion is for all digital health innovators and builders, focused on how to move product ambitions from concept into implemented & adopted reality.
Watch to learn:
The importance and value of design thinking
Why building your healthcare products with empathy in mind is so crucial for a better patient experience
How health systems and technology providers are achieving success
The multi-sided dynamics of digital health solutions – how clinicians and payers are also users

[Webinar] Replacing lost heads in beds: what value holds in 2023
Care is flowing out of hospitals as it’s being made accessible at home via remote monitoring. That’s great – but what are you going to do to replace this lost revenue?
Watch Jeff Englander and special guest Ed Marx, former CIO of Cleveland Clinic and Texas Health Services Authority, current CEO of Marx Advisory to hear how you can find new revenue during this transitionary time.
Hear fresh ideas from market leaders on:
ways your organization can make money now
how to continue to drive revenue as care moves from the hospital to home
the tension between improving margins and improving revenue
Keep an eye on upcoming events, and view our past events + video resources.
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