Project snapshot
Navigate increases patient engagement
Their platform was designed to bring the human element back to patient-provider interactions.
A world-class institution
New York’s Hospital for Special Surgery is one of the nation’s top hospitals and boasts patients from over 100 countries.
Leveraging existing data feeds
No custom configuration was required for HSS, making the project lightweight for their IT team.
Integration powered by Redox
Get Well chose to partner with Redox to integrate their software with the Epic EHR in use at HSS.
Integration HSS can trust
Redox is HITRUST certified and HIPAA compliant via AWS hosting. This ensures all data exchanged is secure at every stage of transmission.
Happy and healthy patients
Integrating Get Well at HSS ensures a seamless workflow for clinicians and delivers top-notch care to patients.

“Continuous, collaborative innovation has long helped to earn the quality of outcomes and patient satisfaction that makes HSS a hospital of choice… We’re excited to be partnering with Docent Health to codify this expertise and these capabilities into a solution that not only enables us to continue to improve our level of service, but also extends to other institutions to elevate the patient experience across healthcare more broadly.”
Louis A. Shapiro
Hospital For Special Surgery, President and CEO
Navigate and Hospital for Special Surgery success story
Since the adoption of electronic health records, gaining efficiencies has become the driving force behind many health system initiatives, but some have come to realize that defining success by patient satisfaction is just as powerful a metric. That’s why New York’s Hospital for Special Surgery selected Get Well (formerly known as Docent Health) to aid in furthering their mission of delivering exceptional care that also delivers an exceptional patient experience.
Project background
The Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) is an exemplary health system. For the past six consecutive years, U.S. News & World Report has ranked them number one in orthopedics and number two in rheumatology in their national Best Hospital Report, and they continuously rank in the 99th percentile for the nation’s top hospitals in overall patient satisfaction. Truly a premier health system recognized worldwide, HSS boasts patients from all 50 states and over 100 countries.
Get Well is also an advocate for the patient experience. Treating each patient as an actual person and not just as a number in a system, Get Well recaptures the human element of medical care by considering the unique expectations, apprehensions, and hopes surrounding a patient’s care journey. These insights are used to build a customized care path to deliver a patient experience that’s both personal and impactful.
With such aligned and deeply-held missions, HSS’s collaboration with Get Well was both logical and natural — Get Well Navigate would give care providers a cohesive way of gaining deeper insight into who their patients are, and in doing so, appreciate and consider all aspects of a patient’s care journey.
How Get Well helps
Get Well Navigate improves patient care through trained and attentive listening. Their service functions as a more cohesive extension of a patient’s electronic health record by taking into account everything the EMR doesn’t — fears, positive or negative past medical experiences, social factors that determine care needs, apprehensions about care, and anything else a patient expresses.
HSS Ambassadors work directly with patients to gain an in-depth understanding of how they expect their care journey to go, from admittance to discharge, via Get Well Navigate. Ambassadors use these nuanced answers to build a personal care journey that’s complementary to clinical care, resulting in a patient experience that is more rewarding and satisfying for everyone involved.
Integration powered by Redox
Once Get Well partnered with HSS, integrating their application with Epic’s EHR became a top priority. Instead of spending months building out a custom interface for this integration, Get Well chose to integrate using Redox, the leading integration-as-a-service provider.
Results, returns, and future care
This partnership has improved the patient experience workflow at HSS, helping expand the scope and quality of patient care to thousands of patients, many of whom have unique needs or have traveled in from out of state or out of the country to seek their care at HSS.
For more on Get Well and their patient-engagement platform, Get Well Navigate, click here. If you’d like to read more about HSS’s world-class services and physicians, check out their website by clicking here.
“Our goal was to introduce our services as quickly as possible to begin helping as many people as possible, and integrating with Redox got us there far faster than we could have on our own. We’re excited to be working with a leader like HSS and to collaborate on an issue in healthcare that has the potential to meaningfully improve the lives of so many patients.”